Pay Off Student Loans Quicker With These 11 Simple Tips
Paying off loans is a challenging task. Today’s young people are not the only ones plagued by student loans. The debt is a nuisance for adults too. If you have taken on a student loan, you may want to get rid of it faster than the lender requires. There is no magic bullet, but there are things you could do to pay off your debt faster.
Pay More Than the Minimum Amount Due
Paying more than the minimum due is one of the easiest ways to accelerate your student debt repayment. Not only does it reduce the balance of the debt, but it also saves you money on interest. Set up your automatic deductions with this additional amount so that you are not tempted to change your mind later.
Sell Things You No Longer Use
Dispose of things you no longer use, which may include clothing or shoes you no longer wear, a PlayStation or Xbox gathering dust below your TV, the bicycle or motorcycle you ride once a year, the treadmill in your TV room you use to dry your laundry, kitchen appliances neglected in dark recesses of your cabinets, and little-used furniture, to name a few.
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Rent Out the Spare Room
Whether you live alone, with your family, or with a room, if you have a spare bedroom, you might consider renting it out. Make sure you read through applicable rental agreements or homeowners association covenants before giving this option a try. Also, use a written lease or sub-lease agreement before ever allowing anyone to move it.
Accept Help From Family
Rather than giving you birthday or holiday gifts, your family might be happy to contribute toward your student loan debt repayment if you just let them know about the possibility. If the student loan debt was for one or more of your children, be sure to ask them to pitch in, too. If they are still in school, a small amount can keep them connected to the fact that their education is not free and warrants their self-control when it comes to their personal spending. If your child has graduated, then you should discuss together what they can contribute. Even small amounts can make a significant impact on your outstanding balance.
Negotiate a Lower Interest Rate
Reach out to your lender by phone or through their online messaging portal. Not many people realize that a single call to your lender or email might save you thousands of dollars in interest. Through simple negotiations, you can lower your interest rate by discussing your repayment plan with the lender.
Ask Your Employer for Help
There is a growing trend among medium and large employers to offer financial assistance to their employees to retain talent. If you have not checked out your benefits package lately, look it over or contact your HR department to see whether your employer can help you repay your student loan.
Direct Payments From Your Paycheck
Set up an automatic deduction of your loan’s repayment amount to be sent directly from your paycheck. Make sure your paycheck date corresponds appropriately to your payment due dates in order to avoid late payment fees. Automatic deductions reduce your chances of defaulting on your loan.
Did You Know?
The average student loan debt for graduates in the U.S. is around $30,000. By making just one extra payment each year, you can significantly reduce the total interest paid and pay off your loans faster. For example, on a $30,000 loan with a 5% interest rate and a 10-year term, one extra payment per year could save you over $1,200 in interest!
Streamline Your Budget
The last option to really reduce your debt is to reduce your monthly spending wherever possible.
Find ways to save wherever you can. Even small adjustments to your monthly spending can have a big effect on your debt repayment when you put it towards your student loan.
Final Thoughts
Getting out of student loan debt faster than your current plan requires will be one of the best financial decisions you could ever make. There are quite a few ways to manage your debt more effectively, but the worst move you could make would be to do nothing. Get your game plan on and start working to reduce your student debt in a hurry with these tips. If you’re struggling with your loans you may want to seek student loan counseling for additional information and ideas that could help speed up your repayment.