2024-2025 Money Fit National Scholarship Application
The application period for our 4th Annual 2024-2025 scholarship is now open! Apply now for a chance to win $1,000 towards your college expenses.
The winner will be announced on August 1st, 2025. Don’t miss this opportunity to support your education!

2024-2025 Money Fit National Scholarship Application Information
MONEY FIT BY DRS is proud to offer our 4th Annual Scholarship Program.
Application Open: September 1, 2024, through July 15, 2025
Application Deadline: July 15, 2025
Award Announced: August 1, 2025
We offer ONE award, randomly drawn, which is available to all United States citizens or legal residents who reside in the United States, and who are students no older than 20 years of age and no younger than 16 years of age as of the end of the Scholarship Contest Period. Applicants must meet the following criteria:
(1) Attend school in the United States
(2) Be in grades 9-12 or enrolled in Freshman or Sophomore years in college, attending public, private, religious, or charter schools,
(3) Be enrolled in a GED or correspondence school program, or
(4) Be attending a home school program.
The application consists of 20 multiple choice questions regarding the student’s opinions and knowledge of personal finance issues. The winner is selected by a random drawing of all applicants. Applicant answers do not affect the applicants’ chances of winning.
For complete eligibility rules and guidelines, CLICK HERE.
Pursue a Money Fit Life
- The purpose of the MONEY FIT National Scholarship Program is to provide financial assistance to students interested in pursuing a Money Fit life.
- An individual may receive a MONEY FIT scholarship only once.
Award recipients who withdraw or graduate from college before the distribution will forfeit their scholarship. - Scholarship funds are intended to help cover education-related costs like tuition, books, or school supplies.
- Applicants are encouraged to explore and demonstrate an understanding of personal finance principles as part of their application.
- The $1,000 Annual Scholarship will be announced on August 1st, 2025. The award will be distributed in the amount of $1,000 USD within 3 months of the award announcement.
Money Fit National Scholarship Drawing General Rules
Beginning on Sunday, September 1, 2024, and running through Tuesday, July 15, 2025.
From Sunday, September 1, 2024 through Tuesday, July 15, 2025 (the scholarship “Contest Entry Period”), Money Fit by DRS will host a scholarship contest in the states of Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming, and the District of Columbia.
Only one entry per student is permitted. Entries that are incomplete, submitted late, do not answer all required questions, contain information other than as requested, or otherwise do not comply with these Official Rules and Regulations will be automatically disqualified. By entering the Scholarship Contest, entrants agree that Money Fit by DRS will own and administer 100% of the copyright in all entries submitted, with the perpetual right to use such entries. These entries must be solely the work of the entrant. Money Fit by DRS may edit for grammar, modify for style, and distribute the submitted entries with no additional notification or permission from the entrant. Entries will only be used to further the educational mission and goals of Money Fit by DRS.
To enter, eligible students (see Section 2 for eligibility requirements) must access the application website and complete the survey following the Submission Guidelines as detailed in Section 3. We will not accept or consider entries that are mailed or emailed. As further detailed in Section 7, entrants agree to accept and be bound by all terms of these Official Rules and Regulations and to accept and be bound by the decisions of Money Fit by DRS, whose decisions are final with respect to all matters of the Contest.
The scholarship contest is open to all United States citizens or legal residents, who reside in the United States and have permanent residence in a state listed in Section 1, and who are students no older than 20 and no younger than 16 as of the deadline of the Scholarship Contest Period. Eligible applicants must:
(1) Attend school in the United States
(2) Be enrolled in grades 9-12 or enrolled full-time (12 or more semester credit hours) in their first or second year of college, attending public, private, religious, or charter schools
(3) Be enrolled in a GED or correspondence school program
(4) Be attending a home school program in the equivalent grades listed under (2).
Employees of Money Fit by DRS and their family members are ineligible. Scholarship judges and their family members are also ineligible.
Each submission must include answers to the 20 multiple-choice questions and must be submitted by 11:59 PM HST on July 15th, 2025. Only online submissions will be accepted for the contest. Answers are required but have no influence on eligibility or chances of winning.
After the Contest Period, Money Fit by DRS will use a digitally randomized program to select the prize winner. Entries will be evaluated based on eligibility. Applicants with multiple entries will be disqualified and eliminated from the drawing. The winner will be announced on the contest site on or before August 1st, 2025.
Money Fit by DRS reserves the right in their sole administration of the Contest to disqualify any individual they find or believe to:
(i) be tampering with the entry process or the administration of the Contest, or
(ii) be acting in violation of these Official Rules and Regulations.
The winner will be announced on the contest site on or before August 1st, 2025. The winner must provide publicity photos, contact information, and school information in order to receive prize money. The winner will receive the following prize based on the selection process as outlined in Section 4.