3 Steps to Money Harmony with Your Significant Other
Would you like to stop fighting with your significant other about finances? Would you like to improve your relationship at home, while at the same time improving your family’s financial performance? You can improve this area of your life without harsh words, creating lasting resentments, or all the accompanying mental anguish that accompanies so many long-standing money issues with your significant other. It all starts with three important steps:
1. Set financial goals
Usually, failure to follow budgets or other chronically poor money behaviors related to savings and wealth-building typically stem from a lack of shared goals. Couples from all walks of life rarely sit down to have specific goal-centered conversations. Instead, shorter-term goals are discussed in passing. For example, they discuss paying off a credit card with the highest interest or some other debt-centered chat. Saving money is only discussed in the broadest of terms as in, “I would love to save some money!” To improve your relationship and financial performance, you and your partner must sit down at a specific goal-setting meeting. Discuss where you want to be 5, 10, 20, or even 30 years from now. What do you want to accomplish? What do you want your lives to look like at those benchmarks? Some couples may take some time to work through the process to create a shared vision they both believe in. Other couples can agree on long-term goals quite easily. If the goal is truly a shared vision, it should create interest and excitement for you both, not just one of you. If the goal does not create this shared enthusiasm, then you are not in agreement yet or you have not yet set the correct goal. Creating excitement and desire for the benefits of the goal is critical to success. Perhaps building wealth does absolutely nothing to excite your partner. However, what if the goal was to build wealth so you can travel around the world? Or, what if the goal was to become wealthy so you can live in a different area that you both want to live in? Maybe the goal could be to become finically independent so that neither of you will need to work. It is not the wealth, but the freedom that wealth offers that is the primary attraction for most people. Use a vision of freedom to create excitement! Bring the benefits up, rather than complaining to your spouse about his or her money performance.
2. Provide leadership
How do you exhibit leadership? First, you make sure your own behavior reflects the priorities, goals, and moral standards you expect from others. That means if you want your spouse to live within a budget, you must make absolutely sure that you do as well, and you should do it cheerfully. You lead by example! Leading by example is one of the most basic of all leadership principles. Leadership does not mean “taking charge.” In fact, leadership could more often mean the exact opposite of taking the reins. You might want to “shut up” and let your significant other provide their ideas regarding the correct strategies to achieve your shared goals. In fact, shutting up may be the most critical step in this entire process. If your significant other does not have significant input, there is no reason for them to buy into the budget. Instead, it will feel like a directive from “on high” and will likely be viewed with tolerance at best rather than engender the commitment needed to achieve tough goals.
3. Improve budgetary compliance performance
How should you deal with the issue of poor performance on budgetary goals by your significant other? The answer is you talk about strategies to improve budgetary performance. Avoid accusations. Do not use harsh words. Just ask how you can help them improve their strategies to achieve success. Generally, you will offer advice only if it is requested. If not, you must let it go. Finally, is your significant other lying, deceiving, or misleading you about money issues? If so, the process is still the same three steps. If deceitful behavior persists, however, professional marriage counseling is likely needed. Joint goal setting and goal agreement improve every aspect of your domestic life, but particularly improve money management behaviors. You do not have to work at cross purposes and suffer through seemingly endless arguments about money and how to utilize it. You can dump this stress and chaos and create a better domestic life while achieving your most treasured dreams.